How to Create a Sustainable Production - Learn Online, Anytime!
Quickly learn key concepts with our 1-hour self-guided courses.
Green Spark Knowledge Hub - Choose your courses!
The Spark is your introduction to sustainability mindset on production. Learn the basics of systems thinking and explore the topics of materials, food and hydration, energy, fuel, and waste to advance sustainable production! This course was created to spark your thinking - and give you the knowledge you need to assess a situation with a sustainability mindset. It is an overview, not a deep dive - that will come later. We believe in empowering people to make good decision
The Production Office is the heart of a production and has the power to positively influence every other aspect of sustainability on set. Get the scoop on how to go green in an office environment from those who have done it! You're in for a treat! We know that the Production Office is a complex space with lots of moving parts, people, and goals. The plethora of knowledge in this course comes from people who have worked in production offices and successfully implemented sustainability strategies
Bundle The Spark and The Production Office. Learn more and save!
Walk away with a holistic overview of what it means to create a sustainable production. Learn how to take responsibility for your own sustainable actions on set, and influence others to do the same.
Hundreds of film industry professionals have taken our online courses. The Director’s Guild of Canada and IATSE are providing the course to their members to build sustainability confidence. Power to the people!
The Green Spark Group Knowledge Hub is supported by Vancity through the EnviroFund Grant.